Friday, January 27, 2006

Mom and Dad's Porch

From my past posting you know I like porches and I mentioned my parent's porch, so on my way to do a little PC training in New Cumberland to a Senior Citizen I stopped and took a snapshot of the porch as it is today. The porch hasn't really changed that much, the big porch swing is gone, replaced by chair swings, keeping up with the times but retaining she spirit of the past.

What struck me was how small the house looks from the front, one window on either side of the door. That probably says alot about my expectations on houses and my lifesytle. When I left metro DC I wanted to move back to NewCumberland but that was kind of nixed. Now I think I apsire to move to Lingelstown to a house like this or maybe back to NewCumberland to this house on 15th street.

What also struck me and not available in the picture is the flanking trees that I remember my father planting in the front yard (twice really, the first ones died). They are gigantic, I remember them when they were sticks. Now that is scarey. In the back of my mind I equate my children growing older to the Sugar Maple trees around the training ring.

You got to wonder if those trees will last longer than the house, they will certainly last longer than me.

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